Aftercare Evening Reporting Center


Beginning in March, 2020, JJC’s Aftercare Evening Reporting Center is a resource for justice involved youth between the ages of 16-20 who are in need of successfully completing terms of probation following a juvenile placement or to prevent re-placement in the juvenile justice system. This community based program is designed to provide youth with daily group and individual case management. Programming focuses on life skills, educational and employment coaching, community service opportunities, pro-social activities, access to and linkages to behavioral health & drug and alcohol services. All of our services are designed to equip our participants with the needed resources to remain arrest free and to prevent further involvement with the juvenile justice system.

The program participants are referred to JJC’s Aftercare Evening Reporting Center by their probationary officer, committing judge, public defender, or district attorney. Youth are expected to report to the center Monday through Friday between the hours of 4pm and 8pm and participate in community service projects on alternative Saturdays. This program is funded by the Department of Human Services, Juvenile Justice Services Department.

For more information, please contact:

Program Director, Patty Jones-Thompson at 215-849-2112 ext. 5151.